Create a Trial Account

Want to experience Career Compass before you purchase? Register now to create a trial account and try it out with a few of your students.

Create a Trial Account


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It's easy to sign up for Career Compass. Just click the signup button below and enter your details, choose a username etc... for your adviser account and select which subscription suits your school best.

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If you are a School or similar organisation, you can pay your Career Compass Invoice with your credit card using our online payment facility.

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Advisor Mode.

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The Career Compass Tour gives an overview of the student perspective. Additionally, Career Compass has an Adviser mode which enables teachers to manage student records, configure the software, … The software is very suitable for use by class groups.

Adviser Mode

Career Compass is very helpful for the career development of 12 to 14 year old students. While avoiding tying them down to specific jobs with premature career guidance, the software does help them to explore their own circumstances and the world of work in a supportive and carefully structured program.

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